#Tech industry

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3 weeks ago
SF food

Day Around the Bay: Huge New Tower Proposed For Sunset Mag Campus In Menlo Park

San Francisco facing budget deficit, potential tallest tower in Silicon Valley, Intuit office downsizing. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Privacy professionals

Protect Your Privacy by Disabling This App-Tracking Apple iPhone Setting

Apple prioritizes user data privacy through App Tracking Transparency feature. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Big Tech develops AI networking standard but without chip leader Nvidia

Major tech firms develop open standard for networking in AI data centers as an alternative to Nvidia dominance. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Data science

What is science? Tech heavyweights brawl over definition

Research must be published to be considered science [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Tech industry

The Daylight Tablet Returns Computing to Its Hippie Ideals

Anjan Katta created a purpose-driven tablet, Daylight DC1, aiming to reinstate idealism in personal computing and escape corporate constraints. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
European startups

How to Create Effective Recognition Programs for Startup Founders | Entrepreneur

Acknowledging the importance of sweat equity in startups is crucial for success, as founders invest non-financial contributions that are often undervalued. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
SF food

Day Around the Bay: Huge New Tower Proposed For Sunset Mag Campus In Menlo Park

San Francisco facing budget deficit, potential tallest tower in Silicon Valley, Intuit office downsizing. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Privacy professionals

Protect Your Privacy by Disabling This App-Tracking Apple iPhone Setting

Apple prioritizes user data privacy through App Tracking Transparency feature. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Big Tech develops AI networking standard but without chip leader Nvidia

Major tech firms develop open standard for networking in AI data centers as an alternative to Nvidia dominance. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Data science

What is science? Tech heavyweights brawl over definition

Research must be published to be considered science [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Tech industry

The Daylight Tablet Returns Computing to Its Hippie Ideals

Anjan Katta created a purpose-driven tablet, Daylight DC1, aiming to reinstate idealism in personal computing and escape corporate constraints. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
European startups

How to Create Effective Recognition Programs for Startup Founders | Entrepreneur

Acknowledging the importance of sweat equity in startups is crucial for success, as founders invest non-financial contributions that are often undervalued. [ more ]
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